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Terms and conditions

Vicky Dixon Owner

Through out the grooming process great care will be taken with regards to the health, safety and wellbeing of your dog. During the groom we may find pre existing conditions or problems which you weren't aware of. On collection of your dog we will inform you of this so you can seek the advice of your vet. Dog-gone fabulous grooming parlour will not be held liable for the above and the owner agrees to pay for all medical treatment incurred.

In the event of an emergency, injury or serious medical issue whilst grooming we will seek immediate veterinary care.

Groomers are not vets and our opinions with regards to medical conditions should not be taken as medical advice, we will always ask you to speak to your vet with regards to medical issues.

Upon registering your dog with us we will ask you to sign a grooming customer consent form and inform us of any known medical issues and allergies etc that your dog has to enable us to groom accordingly. We would also ask you to inform and update us of any changes to your dogs health for our records.

Please inform us if your dog is aggressive or has aggressive tendencies as a muzzle will be required during the groom. We reserve the right to stop any groom if we feel the dog is becoming aggressive or is too stressed to the point that it's a danger to itself or to us. We will contact you immediately and ask you to collect the dog.

In the event that you dog has a severely matted or neglected coat your dog will require a clip off which is in compliance with the Animal Welfare Act 2006 - clause 5 states 'Animals are to be protected from pain, injury and suffering' . We will inform you that your dog requires clipping off as it will take longer than a regular groom and will incur an extra charge of up to £15, you will also be asked to sign the de matting consent form.

Please be aware that coats which are badly matted or have been neglected may become irritated after this shaving down process and we are not liable for any post grooming effects. These effects could be that your dog develops an itchy skin response, skin redness and scratches causing the skin to become irritated.

If when we check over your dog prior to grooming and discover fleas we will immediately bathe with flea shampoo. The salon will also need to be treated to prevent cross contamination and you may be charged for this. You will be advised to treat your dog and your home environment.

We take photographs of your dog before, during and after their groom. We may use the photos for social media and advertising. Please inform us if you would prefer us not to use them.


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